If you have cancer, you may develop tumors in the eye that spread from other parts of your body. Retina Associates of Middle Georgia treats eye tumors and other eye conditions. We’re here to help our patients with any of their retina needs.

What are Eye Tumors?

Eye tumors are often tumors that develop from other parts of the body. They are most likely to originate from places like the bowel, prostate, or breast.

The most common kinds of tumors that develop in the eye are melanoma and retinoblastoma in children. For adults, malignant melanoma tumors in the eye are most likely to occur between 60 to 65 years old.

Melanoma occurs due to the uninhibited growth of cells known as melanocytes and through blood vessels to distant organs in the body. Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the retina and a common form of childhood eye cancer.

Children with retinoblastoma usually end up with it under the age of five. Children may not display any symptoms early on, but they may eventually start complaining of pain and vision loss as it worsens.

Are There Any Warning Signs or Symptoms with Eye Tumors?

In many cases of eye tumors, there are no warning signs early on. However, patients may notice vision loss as an eye tumor continues developing.

If left untreated, eye tumors can spread to the optic nerve. They can also spread to the brain and continue to affect the rest of the body.

If you notice any unusual vision changes, let your eye doctor know as soon as possible. Although it may not be an eye tumor, it’s always worth checking out and determining the cause.

Evaluating Eye Tumors Using B-Scan as a Diagnostic Tool

At Retina Associates of Middle Georgia, we will bring a patient in for evaluation using a B-scan or brightness scan. A B-scan creates a two-dimensional cross-section of the eye and its orbit. A B-scan is a way of evaluating diseases of the posterior of the eye and the orbit.

Using B-scan is often necessary when the fluids inside the eye are cloudy, and any direct visualization becomes impossible. B-scan may be used to diagnose conditions like vitreous hemorrhage, retinal detachment, eye cancers, and seeing foreign bodies in the eye.

Unlike A-scans, which usually help measure the length of the eye during cataract surgery, B-scans measure the structure of the eye, meaning they can see more details. A B-scan works by using ultrasound of different frequencies to control the depth of the image produced.

If you’ve never had a B-scan, it may sound a little nerve-racking, but rest assured that they are safe and painless.

During a B-scan, your eye doctor will have you close your eyes. After you’ve shut your eyes, they will apply a gel to your eyelids before using a probe to gently press against the lids.

They may also ask you to move your eyes in different directions. A B-scan is often one of the best ways to evaluate the back of the eye if it’s obstructed. Depending on your results, we will work with one of the excellent doctors we partner with to determine the best course of treatment to refer you for.

Learn more about eye tumors and how to receive treatment for them by scheduling an appointment at Retina Associates of Middle Georgia in Macon, GA, now!

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